
Commissioning a portrait is a wonderful and perhaps scary undertaking. Of course you have selected a painter you like, and if that person is me, I am very honored to get to know and paint you. 

It is my job to see you for more than what a photograph can tell you. In order to do that I would like to meet you in person if possible. To get to know a little bit about you and make some reference photo’s. If there is time, I would love to make some sketches too.

Sometimes it is not possible to take reference photo’s. Maybe you have little time to spare or the distance is too far. Or the one you want to have painted is a deceased loved one. In that case we can look if there are usable photographs from your own collection.

In general, it takes me a couple of weeks to months to complete a painting. Naturally this also depends on size. A small painting of head and shoulders will take me a lot less time than a full figure. 

Is there a tight timeframe? Please contact me beforehand so I can inform you of the possibilities. Sometimes there is a waiting list but at other times I can make adjustments in my schedule to accommodate you. I would be happy to see what I can do for you.

So what would a painting cost? There is no singular answer for that question. It depends on size, style of painting, details, background etc. To give you an impression I’ve made an indication of the costs, based on paintings with a neutral background.

Head and shoulders € 1.500,- 30-40 cm to 40-50 cm
Half figure (without hands) € 2.500,- 40-50 cm to 60-70 cm
Three quart figure (with hands) € 4.000,- 60-70 cm to 80- 100 cm
Full figure € 5.000,- 100 to 200 cm
Multiple figures Price on request  
Lizzie portret Suzanne de Riet